Baby London

There seem to be a plethora of adorable new babies around right now, and Miss London does not disappoint! I had such a sweet time meeting her and getting to see Kyle and Lisa in their new role as proud parents, completely in awe of their precious little girl. There is a lot of love in that house and it was an honor to be able to help document this special season for them!

Here she is at just over 3 weeks old:



londonblog-6 londonblog-5londonblog-4Screen Shot 2013-09-06 at 8.57.09 PMlondonblog-7Screen Shot 2013-09-06 at 9.00.21 PM

2 thoughts on “Baby London

  1. Becka….What great photography! It would be hard to pick the best one of London! She is soooo cute and you did an awesome job! Hugs……. GiGi

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